Vitamins & Minerals

For The Love of Vitamin C!

Vitamin C is the first supplement I reach for when I start feeling under the weather!  I LOVE this Immune Boosting Supplement!   It is the one siupplement that I make sure and have on hand at ALL times!  My absolute favorite is Lypospheric Vitamin C by LivOn Labs.  If you are looking for a high quality, top of the line Vitamin C Supplement….this is it! No….I’m not getting paid by the company…I’m just a true believer in this amazing product!  And, if you take EmergenC and think it is as good….I beg to differ!  Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C is truly next level!


Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that supports a healthy immune system and promotes muscle repair and recovery.  It protects our bodies from oxidation, which is what happens to an apple when it is exposed to air…. it turns brown.   Oxidation of bodily; structures like proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and even DNA, increases inflammation and the risk for diseases.

Vitamin C helps to prevent this from happening. It protects us from dangerous compounds generated from normal metabolism as well as free radicals and exposure to toxins and pollutants. Common toxins we are exposed to: second-hand smoke, recreational drugs and/or prescription drugs, alcohol, pesticides, pollution, diets high in trans-fats and sugar, viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.


Lypospheric Vit C is created differently.  it uses liposomes made from phospholipids – the same material that makes up your cells – to encapsulate the nutrient and maximize absorption.  What this means for you is that more Vit C  gets absorbed where it is needed because of its unique structure.  It comes in individual packs that you can take with you.  Each pack contains 1,000mg Vit C.  I recommend squeezing the packet into an ounce of juice to  cover the taste!  I order on Amazon.

30 Packets
60 Packets
90 Packets